• 022 The number of the beast

    Mis à jour le 20 décembre 2023

    Cette page se veut un catalogue le plus exhaustif possible des cassettes audio et CD officiels du groupe.

    Elle se présente sous la forme de scans et de textes descriptifs, par ordre chronologique des sorties et par pays.

    Je posterai régulièrement de nouvelles images en fonction de mes achats, lesquelles seront insérées entre deux selon le cas.

    Dans le texte j'indiquerais des particularités: couleur de la cassette, insert, forme des caches roues, etc. De même l'année d'édition sera indiquée en fonction de mes recherches et d'un taux de réalité. Ces indices figureront comme ci-après:

    B: cassette blanche

    N: cassette noire

    T: cassette transparente

    C: cassette crème

    G: cassette grise

    CRR: cache roue rond

    CRC: cache roue carré

    FP: fenêtre plate

    FEC: fenêtre en creux

    FER: fenêtre en relief

    G100: graduation de 0 à 100

    G0: graduation sans chiffre

    INC: insert noir complet

    INB: insert noir biseauté

    INP: insert noir partiel

    IN8: insert en forme de huit

    V: vis

    XDR J: logo XDR ou SDR sur la jaquette

    XDR C: logo XDR ou SDR sur la cassette

    1980: année d'édition certaine

    1980*: année d'édition non confirmée, estimée à deux ans près

    1980**: année d'édition non connue, seulement estimée en fonction d'indices

    198?: année d'édition inconnue

    This page talk about Iron Maiden official audio tape and CD. It show pictures and text, on chronological order and by counrtries. I post regularly more pictures, after buying and received new tapes and CD. Inside text you can find some particularities, like color, insert size or hide reals forms. I write edit year with three options. See down:

    B: white tape

    N: black tape

    T: clear tape

    C: cream tape

    G: grey tape

    CRR: hide reels

    CRC: square hide reals

    FP: flat window

    FEC: low window

    FER: relief window

    G100: 0 to 100 graduation

    G0: graduation without figure

    INC: black complete insert

    INB: black cut insert

    INP: black no complete insert

    IN8: eight form insert

    V: screw

    XDR J: XDR or SDR logo on cover

    XDR C: XDR or SDR logo on tape

    1980: certain edit year

    1980*: non confirm edit year. Two years estimate before or after real year

    1980**: unknow edit year. Estimate with some indications

    198?: unknow edit year

    Il y a une corrélation entre cette page et ma page argus. Chaque cassette et CD porte un nom identifiant unique que vous retrouverez en fin de ligne sur la page argus.

    Toutes les cassettes et CD figurant sur cette page proviennent de ma collection personnelle. Aucune photo extérieure. S'il manque des éléments, cela sera précisé. J'ai parlé en préambule de cassette et CD officielle, mais je ne m'interdis pas de poster en plus des cassettes ou CD intéressants ou exotiques.

    Each tape and CD got a personnal identification name, than you can find too on my argus page.

    All these cassettes or CD appearing on this page come from my personnal collection. No outside picture. If elements are missing, it will be specified. I spoke in introduction of official cassette and CD, but I do not refrain to post interesting or exotic tapes or CD.


    TNOTB, Australie, 1982. EMI TC EMC 3400. Manufactured and distributed by EMI (Australia). Texte bleu. B/CRR/FP/G100/V. TNBAUS1

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Australie, 1982. EMI TC EMC 3400. Manufactured and distributed by EMI (Australia). T/CRR/FP/IN8. TNBAUS2

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Canada, 1982. EMI Harvest Capitol 4XT 12202. Made in Canada. NT/CRR/FEC/G100. TNBCAN1

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Canada, 1982. EMI Harvest Capitol 4XT 512202. 788067C. Made in Canada. Columbia house edition. T/CRR/FP/INC/G0. TNBCAN2

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Canada, 1982. EMI Harvest Capitol 4XT 512202. 788067C. Made in Canada. Columbia house edition. Jaquette biseautée. T/CRR/FP/INC/G0. TNBCAN3

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Canada, 1983*. EMI Harvest Capitol 4XT 12202. Code barre: 0777712220241. Made in Canada.  N/CRR/FEC/G100. TNBCAN4

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Canada, 1982*. EMI Harvest Capitol 4XT 12202. Made in Canada. N/CRR/FEC/G100/SDRJ. TNBCAN5

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Canada, 1986*. EMI Capitol  C4 46364. Code barre: 07777463644. Formerly 4XT 12202. Made in Canada. N/CRR/FEC/G100. TNBCAN6

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Chili, 1982. EMI Odeon Chilena 105297. T/CRR/FEC/G0/V. TNBCHL1

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Chili, 1985*. EMI Odeon Chilena 413178 4. Code barre: 5099941317846. T/CRR/FP/INC. TNBCHL2

     022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Chine, 2000. EMI Harvest Capitol C4-46364. Code barre: 077774636445. Fake. T/CRR/FP. TNBCHN1

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast


    TNOTB, Europe, 1982. EMI 1C 264 07608 (cassette). EMI 1A 264 07608 (jaquette). Made in EEC. Printed in Holland. Logo Gema. Texte marron. Texte en Allemand. C/CRR/FP/G100. TNBEEC1

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

     TNOTB, Europe, 1982. EMI 1C 264 07 608. Made in EEC. Logo Gema. B/CRC/FP/G100. TNBEEC2

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Europe, 1982. EMI 1C 264 07 608. Made in EEC. Logo Gema. B/CRC/FP. TNBEEC3

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Europe, 1990*. EMI 1C 238 1 57693 4. Code barre: 5099915769343. Made in EEC. Logo Gema. T/CRC/FP/XDRJ/XDRC. TNBEEC4

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Europe, 2022. Warner Parlophone 190296278518. Code barre: 0190296278518. Made in the UK. B/CRR/FP/V. TNBEU1

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast


    TNOTB, France, 1982. Pathe Marconi EMI 2C 266 07608. PM 462. Dupliqué en France par Pathe Marconi EMI. Imprimerie Pathe Marconi EMI. Logo Sacem. Texte bleu. B/CRR/FEC/G100. TNBFRA1

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, France, 1982. Pathe Marconi EMI 2C 266 07608. PM 462. Dupliqué en France par Pathe Marconi EMI. Imprimerie Pathe Marconi EMI. Logo Sacem. Texte bleu. B/CRR/FEC/G100. TNBFRA2

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, France, 1982. Pathe Marconi EMI 2C 266 07608. PM 462. Dupliqué en France par Pathe Marconi EMI. Imprimerie Pathe Marconi EMI. Logo Sacem. Texte bleu. B/CRR/FEC/G0. TNBFRA3

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, France, 1982. Pathe Marconi EMI 2C 266 07608. PM 462. Dupliqué en France par Pathe Marconi EMI. Logo Sacem. Texte bleu. B/CRR/FEC/G100. TNBFRA4

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, France, 1985. Pathe Marconi SA EMI 2C 266 07608. PM 462. Dupliqué en France par Pathe Marconi EMI. Logo Sacem. Texte bleu. B/CRR/FEC/G0. TNBFRA5

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, France, 1985. Pathe Marconi SA EMI 2C 266 07608. PM 462. Dupliqué en France par Pathe Marconi EMI. Imprimerie Pathe Marconi SA. Logo Sacem. Texte bleu. B/CRR/FEC/G0. TNBFRA6

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, France, 1982. Pathe Marconi EMI 2C 266 07608. PM 462. Dupliqué en France par Pathe Marconi EMI. Imprimerie Pathe Marconi EMI. Logo Sacem. Texte marron. C/CRR/FEC/G100. TNBFRA7

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, France, 1985. Pathe Marconi SA EMI 2C 266 07608. PM 462. Dupliqué en France par Pathe Marconi EMI. Imprimerie Pathe Marconi SA. Logo Sacem. Texte marron. C/CRR/FEC/G100. TNBFRA8

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, France, 1990*. Pathe Marconi EMI 2C 238 1 57693 4. Code barre: 5099915769343. Made in France. Logo Gema. T/CRC/FP/INB/XDRJ/XDRC. TNBFRA9

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, France, 1988. Pathe Marconi SA EMI Fame 1076084. Code barre: 5099910760840. PM 410. Dupliquée en France par EMI Pathe Marconi SA. Imprimerie Pathe Marconi SA. Réédition 1988. Logo Sacem. T/CRC/FP/INB. TNBFRA10

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, France, 1988. Pathe Marconi SA EMI Fame 1076084. Code barre: 5099910760840. PM 410. Made in Holland. Imprimerie Pathe Marconi SA. Réédition 1988. Logo Biem stemra. T/CRC/FP/INB. TNBFRA11

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, France, 1988. Pathe Marconi EMI Fame 1076084. Code barre: 5099910760840. PM 410. Made in Holland. Printed in Holland. Logo Biem stemra. T/CRC/FP/INB. TNBFRA12

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, France, 1988. Pathe Marconi SA EMI Fame 1076084. Code barre: 5099910760840. PM 410. Dupliquée en France par EMI Pathe Marconi SA. Imprimerie Morault Rouen avec téléphone. Réédition 1988. Logo Sacem. T/CRC/FP/INB. TNBFRA13

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, France, 1988. Pathe Marconi SA EMI Fame 1076084. Code barre: 5099910760840. PM 410. Dupliquée en France par EMI Pathe Marconi SA. Imprimerie Morault Rouen avec téléphone. Réédition 1988. Logo Sacem. T/CRR/FP/INC. TNBFRA14

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, France, 1988. Pathe Marconi SA EMI Fame 1076084. Code barre: 5099910760840. PM 410. Dupliquée en France par EMI Pathe Marconi SA. Imprimerie Morault Rouen avec téléphone. Réédition 1988. Logo Sacem. T/CRC/FP/INB. TNBFRA15

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, France, 1991. Pathe Marconi SA EMI Fame 1076084. Code barre: 5099910760840. PM 410. Dupliquée en France par EMI Pathe Marconi SA. Pas d'imprimeur. Logo Sacem. T/CRC/FP/INB. TNBFRA16

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, France, 1988. Pathe Marconi EMI Fame 1076084. TC FA 8178. Code barre: 5099910760840. PM 410.Made in UK. Manufactured in UK. Printed in UK. Réédition 1988. Logo Biem MCPS. T/CRR/FP/INB. TNBFRA17

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Allemagne, 1990. EMI 1C 238 1 57693 4. Code barre: 5099915769343. Made in EEC. Logo Gema. T/CRC/FP/INB/XDRC. TNBGER1

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Hollande, 1990*. EMI 1 C 238 1 57693 4. Code barre: 5099915769343. Made in Holland. Printed in Holland. Logo Biem stemra. Texte marron. Probablement le premier tirage Hollande pour ce pays. Date 1981 imprimée sur cassette étant surement une erreur (missprint). C/CRR/FP/G100. TNBHOL1

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Hollande, 1981. EMI 1 A 264 07608. Code barre: 5099915769343. Made in Holland. Logo Biem stemra. XDR on cover. T/CRC/FP/INB/XDRJ/XDRC. TNBHOL2


    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Hollande, 1990*. EMI 1 C 238 1 57693 4. Code barre: 5099915769343. Made in Holland. Logo Biem stemra. T/CRR/FP/INC/XDRC. TNBHOL3

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Hollande, 1990*. EMI 1 C 238 1 57693 4. Code barre: 5099915769343. Made in Holland. Logo Biem stemra. T/CRR/FP/INC/G0/XDRC. TNBHOL4

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Hollande, 1990*. EMI 1 C 238 1 57693 4. Code barre: 5099915769343. Made in Holland. Logo Biem stemra. Même cassette que TNGHOL2 mais celle-ci n'a pas le logo XDR sur la jaquette. T/CRC/FP/INB/XDRC. TNBHOL5

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Indonésie, 19??. Spécialist Recording SR 2387. Label bleu et blanc. Neuf titres. G/CRR/FP/G100/V. TNBIDN1

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Italie, 1985*. EMI 54 1076084. Code barre: 5099910760840. Logo SIAE. T/CRR/FP/INC. TNBITA1

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Italie, 19??.    ??.    "Lato A". Label blanc. G/CRR/FEC/G100. TNBITA2

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Malaisie, 198?. EMI TC EMC 3400. Printed by Digitpress. Label blanc. G/CRR/FEC/G0/V. TNBMAL1

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Malaisie, 198?. EMI TC EMC 3400. Label blanc. G/CRR/FEC/G0/V. TNBMAL2

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Mexique, 1982. EMI Capitol de Mexico CLEM 1059 . 33C 262 07608. T/CRR/FP/INC. TNBMEX1

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Mexique, 1985*. EMI Capitol de Mexico 411 7463644 . 33C 262 07608. Code barre: 077774636445. T/CRR/FP/INC. TNBMEX1


    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Mexique, 1986. EMI Discos hispanos del Peru SA GE 02.0018. Label jaune. N/CRR/FEC/G0. TNBPER1

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Philippines, 1982. EMI Dyna TC EMC 3400. Label vert. Logo PARI. G/CRR/FP/V. TNBPHL1

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Philippines, 1982. EMI Dyna TC EMC 3400. Label vert. Logo PARI. G/CRR/FP/G100/V. TNBPHL2

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Pologne, 1990*. TAKT 226. Logo Biem Zaiks. T/CRR/FP/INC/V. TNBPOL1

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Russie, 1997. Global music. 10 titres. T/CRR/INC/V. TNBRUS1

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Espagne, 1982. EMI Odeon 10C 266 007608. El numero de la bestia. Made in Spain. Barcelone. Logo SGAE. B/CRR/FEC/G100. TNBSPA1


    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Espagne, 1982. EMI Odeon 10C 266 007608. El numero de la bestia. Made in Spain. Dépôt légal B 9629 1982. Barcelone. Label jaune. Logo SGAE. B/CRR/FEC/G100. TNBSPA2

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Thailande, 199?. EMI 8358704. Code barre: 724383587049. Sticker Thai sur boitier. 10 titres. T/CRR/FP/IN8/G0/V. TNBTHA

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Turquie, 1989. EMI Kent TCP 2354. Label blanc. T/CRR/FP/G0/V. TNBTUR1

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Royaume-Uni, 1982. EMI TC EMC 3400. Made and printed in Great Britain. date mars 1982 (8203). Imprimeur EH. Texte bleu. B/CRR/FP/G100. TNBUK1

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Royaume-Uni, 1982. EMI TC EMC 3400. Made and printed in Great Britain. date mars 1982 (8203). Imprimeur EH. Texte bleu. B/CRR/FP/G100/V. TNBUK1bis

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Royaume-Uni, 1982. EMI TC EMC 3400. Made and printed in Great Britain. date mars 1982 (8203). Imprimeur EH. Texte rouge. B/CRR/FP/G100. TNBUK2

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Royaume-Uni, 1984*. EMI Fame TC FA 3178. Code barre: 509991317845. Made and printed in Great Britain. T/CRC/FP. TNBUK3

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Royaume-Uni, 1984*. EMI Fame TC FA 3178. Code barre: 509991317845. Made and printed in Great Britain. Crédits sur cassette différents. T/CRC/FP. TNBUK4

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Royaume-Uni, 1984*. EMI Fame TC FA 3178. Code barre: 509991317845. Made and printed in Great Britain. T/CRC/FP/INB. TNBUK5

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Royaume-Uni, 1984*. EMI Fame TC FA 3178. Code barre: 509991317845. Made and printed in Great Britain. T/CRC/FP. TNBUK6

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Royaume-Uni, 1985. EMI TC EMC 3400. Code barre 5099910760840. Made and printed in Great Britain. KPL 7-85. C/CRC/FP. TNBUK7

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Royaume-Uni, 1985. EMI TC EMC 3400. Made and printed in Great Britain. KPL 7-85. B/CRC/FP/G100. TNBUK8

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Royaume-Uni, 1993. EMI TC EMS 1533. Code barre 077774636445. Made in the UK. Printed in UK. Logo Biem MCPS. T/CRR/FP/INC. TNBUK9

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Etats-unis, 1982. EMI Harvest Capitol 4XT 12202. Code barre: 07777122024. B/CRR/FEC/G100. TNBUSA1

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Etats-unis, 1982. EMI Harvest Capitol 4XT 12202. Code barre: 07777122024. Made in USA sur deux faces de la cassette. B/CRR/FP/G100. TNBUSA2

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Etats-unis, 1982. EMI Harvest Capitol 4XT 12202. Code barre: 07777122024. Made in USA sur une face de la cassette. B/CRR/FP/G100. TNBUSA3

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Etats-unis, 1983*. EMI Harvest Capitol 4XT 12202. Code barre: 07777122024. T/CRR/FP/IN8. TNBUSA4

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Etats-unis, 1983*. EMI Harvest Capitol 4XT 12202. Code barre: 07777122024. T/CRR/FEC/INP/G100. TNBUSA5

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Etats-unis, 1983*. EMI Harvest Capitol 4XT 512202. Code barre: 0208314105471. Columbia house edition. T/CRR/FP/INC/G0. TNBUSA6

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Etats-unis, 1982. EMI Harvest RCA C153769. Indianapolis edition. B/CRR/FP/G100. TNBUSA7

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Etats-unis, 1983*. EMI Harvest BMG C101496. Indianapolis edition. T/CRR/FP/INC/G0. TNBUSA8

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    22 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Etats-unis, 1995. Castle records 104-4. code barre: 600234010440. Made in the USA. 10 titres. T/CRR/FP/INC. TNBUSA9

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Etats-unis, 2022. BMG Sanctuary 538791348. code barre: 4050538791341. Made in Canada. B/CRR/FP/G100. TNBUSA10

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Brésil, 1987, EMI Odeon 31C 06407608. Industria Brasileira. Promo. Matrice: 07608A. LPTNBBRA1

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Canada, 1982. EMI Harvest ST 12202. Made in Canada. Insert pub. label Eddie. Matrice: ST 12202A. LPTNBCAN1

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Argentine, 2022. Warner Parlophone Plaza 825646252404. Code barre: 8 25646 25240 4. Industria Argentina. Livre. Matrice: 2564622540A. LPTNBARG1

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

     TNOTB, Europe, 2012. EMI 5099997295013. Picture disc. Gatefold cover. Obi. LPPIC2012EU3

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Europe, 2014. Warner Parlophone  2564625240. Code barre: 825646252404. LP80EU3

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Europe, 2022. Warner Parlophone  2564625240. Code barre: 825646252404. LPTNB40EU1

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Europe, 2022. Warner Parlophone  5054197157608. Code barre: 5054197157608. 3LP. The number of the beast & Beast over Hammersmith. Made in Italy. LPTNB40EU2

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, France, 1982. EMI Pathé Marconi 2C 070 07608. PM 262. Made in France. Logo Sacem. label Eddie. Matrice: M6 338 409 2. LPTNBFRA1

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, France, 1982. EMI Pathé Marconi 2C 070 07608. PM 262. Made in France. Logo Sacem. label Eddie. Insert fan club. Matrice: M6 338 409 2. LPTNBFRA2

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, France, 1982. EMI Pathé Marconi 2C 070 07608. PM 262. Made in France. Logo Sacem. label Eddie. Insert fan club complet. Patch tour 82. Matrice: M6 338 409 2. LPTNBFRA3

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, France, 1984. EMI Pathé Marconi 2C 070 07608. PM 262. Made in France. Logo Sacem. label Eddie. Imprimé en Hollande. Matrice: 107608A1 M6 338217 2. LPTNBFRA4

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, France, 1985. EMI Pathé Marconi 064 07608. 2 C 070 07608. PM 262. Made in France. Logo Sacem. label Eddie. Imprimé en Hollande. Pochette hollande modifiée. Matrice: M6 338217 2 / 7608 A 1. LPTNBFRA5

     022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, France, 1986. EMI Pathé Marconi 064 07608. 2 C 070 07608. PM 768. Made in France. Logo Sacem. label Eddie. Imprimé en Hollande. Pochette hollande modifiée. Matrice: M6 338217 2 / 7608 A 1. LPTNBFRA6

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast


    TNOTB, France, 1988. EMI Pathé Marconi SA 1076081. PM 211. Code barre: 5099910760819. Tampon embouti promotionnel. Made in EEC. Imprimé en Hollande. Logo Sacem. label Jaune. Matrice: M6 338217 2 / 107608 A 1. LPTNBFRA7

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, France, 1988. EMI Pathé Marconi SA 1076081. PM 211. Code barre: 5099910760819. Made in EEC. Imprimé en Hollande. Logo Sacem. label Jaune. Matrice: M6 338217 2 / 107608 A 1. LPTNBFRA8

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Allemagne, 1982. EMI Electrola 1 C 064 07 608. Made in Germany. Printed in Germany. Tampon EMI gauffré. Logo Gema Stemra. label Eddie. Matrice: 07608B1. LPTNBGER1

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Allemagne, 1983. EMI Electrola 1 C 064 07 608. Made in Germany. Printed in Germany. Tampon EMI gauffré. Seite 1 en face 1. Logo Gema Stemra. label Eddie. Matrice: 07608B1. LPTNBGER2

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Allemagne, 1985. EMI Electrola Fame 1 C 038 15 7693 1. Code barre: 5099915769312. Made in EEC. Printed in Germany. Tampon EMI gauffré. Logo Gema Stemra. DMM. label jaune. Pochette interne Fame. Matrice: 07608 A1 1576931A. LPTNBGER3

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Allemagne, 1988. EMI Electrola Fame 1 C 038 15 7693 1. Code barre: 5099915769312. Made in EEC. Printed in Germany. Tampon EMI gauffré. Logo Biem Gema. DMM. label jaune. Pochette interne Fame. Matrice: 07608 A1. LPTNBGER4

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Grèce, 1982. EMI Emial SA 14 C 062 07608. EMC 3400. Made and printed in Greece. label EMI orange. Matrice: EMC 3400 A2. LPTNBGRC1

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Grèce, 1982. EMI Emial SA 14 C 062 07608. EMC 3400. Made and printed in Greece. label EMI olive. Matrice: EMC 3400 A2. LPTNBGRC2

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Hollande, 1982. EMI 1 C 064 07 608. 1A 064 07608. Printed in Holland. Logo Biem Stemra. Made in EEC. label Eddie. Matrice: 07608 A1. LPTNBHOL1

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Hollande, 1985. EMI 064 07 608. 1A 064 07608. PM 262. Printed in Holland. Made in EEC. Logo Biem Stemra. label Eddie. Matrice: 07608 A1. LPTNBHOL2

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Inde, 1982. EMI EMC 3400. 32613. 32614. Made in India. Dum dum India. Printed at the eagle lithographing Co ltd India. label jaune. Matrice: EMC 3400 A1 32613. LPTNBIND1

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Italie, 1982. EMI Italiana SpA 3C 064 07608. Made in Italy. Label jaune. Logo SIAE. Matrice: EMC 07608A 9-3-82. LPTNBIND1

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast


    TNOTB, Japon, 1982. EMI Toshiba EMS 91034. Poster. Insert. Obi noire. 2800 yens. Made in Japan. Promo. Logo Jasrac. Label blanc. 50000 exemplaires. Matrice: EMS 91034A. LPTNBJPN1

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Japon, 1982. EMI Toshiba EMS 91034. Poster. Insert. Obi noire. 2800 yens. Made in Japan. Logo Jasrac. Label eddie. 50000 exemplaires. Matrice: EMS 91034A. LPTNBJPN2


    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Japon, 1982. EMI Toshiba EMS 91034. Insert. Obi noire. 2800 yens. Made in Japan. Logo Jasrac. Label eddie. Matrice: EMS 91034A. LPTNBJPN3

     022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    PICLP2012, Japon, 2012. EMI  Music Japan TOJP 60223. Code barre: 4988006899551. The number of the beast. Import EU. Picture disc. Inserts. Gatefold cover. 2 Obi. Date de sortie: 12 novembre 2012. Date de mise en vente: 21 novembre 2012. LPPIC2012JPN3

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Corée du sud, 19??. EMI Harvest. 277. Blue US cover copy. White label. Fake. Matrice: ST 12202. LPTNBKOR1

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Portgual, 1983. EMI Valentim 107 6081. Eddie label. Matrice: CO78 07608A. LPTNBPOR1


    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Russie, 1992. EMI Gala Records Fame FA 3178. EMC 3400. Black label. Matrice: EMC 1576931A. LPTNBRUS1

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Espagne, 1982. EMI Odeon 10C 066 1076081. Made in Spain. Imprimé Madrid. Dépot légal B 9628-1982. Logo SGAE. label Eddie. Matrice: 066 007608 A. LPTNBSPA1

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Royaume-Uni, 1982. EMI EMC 3400. Test pressing. White label. Matrice: EMC 3400 A 2 B 2. LPTNBUK1

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Royaume-Uni, 1982. EMI EMC 3400. 0C 062 07 608. Manufactured in the UK. TM 8203 GL. Label Eddie. Matrice: EMC 3400 A 2 B 2. LPTNBUK2

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Royaume-Uni, 1982. EMI EMCP 3400. Picture disc. Manufactured in the UK. Matrice: EMCP 3400 A B. LPTNBUK3

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Royaume-Uni, 1982. EMI EMCP 3400. Picture disc. Manufactured in the UK. Import France. Sticker PM 623. Matrice: EMCP 3400 A B. LPTNBFRA8

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Royaume-Uni, 1984*. EMI EMC 3400. 0C 062 07 608. Manufactured in the UK. TM 8203 GL. Label Eddie. Matrice: EMC 3400 A 2 B 4. LPTNBUK4

     022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Royaume-Uni, 1986. EMI EMC 3400. 0C 062 07 608. Manufactured in the UK. TM 8203 GL. label noir. Matrice: EMC 3400 A 2 B 5 1. LPTNBUK5

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Royaume-Uni, 1988. EMI Fame FA 3178. EMC 3400. Code barre: 5099941317815. Manufactured in the UK. Label jaune. Matrice: EMC 3400 A 2 B 5 1 1. LPTNBUK6

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Royaume-Uni, 1989. EMI Fame FA 3178. EMC 3400. Code barre: 5099941317815. Manufactured in the UK. Label jaune. Matrice: EMC 3400 A 2 B 5 1 1. LPTNBUK7

     022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Royaume-Uni, 1997. EMI LP CENT 7. Code barre: 724385566912. PM 262. Made in the UK. Printed in UK. Edition the first centenary. label jaune. Matrice: LPCENT7 A111. LPTNBUK8

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Etats-Unis, 1983*. EMI Harvest RCA R-153769. Code barre: 07777122021. Matrice: R 153769 A. LPTNBUSA1

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Etats-Unis, 1982. EMI Harvest Capitol SEAX 12215. Picture disque. Matrice: SEAX 12215 F1. LPTNBUSA2

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    PICLP2012, Etats-Unis, 2012. UMe 602537161478. The number of the beast. Picture disc. Gatefold cover. Manufactured in the USA. Matrice:  B0017558-01. LPPIC2012USA3

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Etats-Unis, 2014. Ingrooves BMG Sanctuary 14007V. Code barre: 881034112514. The number of the beast. LP80USA3

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Etats-Unis, 2022. BMG Sanctuary 538814831. Code barre: 4050538814835. Made in Canada. LPTNB40USA1

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Autriche, 1986*. EMI CDP 7 46364 2. CD-FA 3178. Code barre: 077774636421. Made in Austria. Logo Biem MCPS. Matrix: DADC Austria. CDTNBAUT1

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Australie, 1996. EMI Music group Australasia CDP 7 46364 2. Code barre: 0 77749 63642 1. IFPI 2261. Matrix: EMI Swindon. CDTNAUS1

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Australie, 1996*. EMI Music Australia 8148432. Code barre: 7243 8 14843 2 6. Printed in Australia. CDTNAUS2

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Canada, 1986*. EMI Capitol CDP 546364. Code barre: 77749 788067 02. Made in Canada. Distributed by Columbia House. Matrix: CDP 546364. CDTNCAN1

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Canada, 1998. EMI Music Canada 724349691803. Code barre: 7243 4 96918 0 3. 496 91803. PM 520. Made in Canada. Printed in Canada. Remaster 98. 11 titres. Logo Bel Biem. IFPI 6000. Matrix: CINRAM. CDTNBCAN2

     022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Europe, 1998. EMI 724349691803. Code barre: 7243 4 96918 0 3. 496 91803. PM 520. Made in EU. Printed in EU. Remaster 98. 11 titres. Logo Bel Biem. Premier tirage Europe (contenu dans la Eddie Head). IFPI L042. Matrix: EMI Swindon. CDTNBEU1

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Europe, 2003*. EMI 7243 4 96918 0 3. Code barre: 724349691803. 496 91803. PM 520. Made in EU. Printed in EU. Remaster 98. 11 titres. Logo Bel Biem. Troisième tirage Europe. Variante car matrix non conforme. IFPI LTZZ. Matrix: ODS. CDTNBEU2

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, France, 2005. EMI 7243 4 96918 0 3. Code barre: 724349691803. 496 91803. PM 520. Made in EU. Printed in EU. Remaster 98. 11 titres. Logo Bel Biem. CD mis en vente en 2005 pour un tirage spécial France avant le concert de Paris avec un sticker collector. IFPI L042. Matrix: 010110 NL. CDTNBFRA1

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, France, 2003. EMI 7243 4 96918 0 3. Code barre: 724349691803. 496 91803. PM 520. Made in EU. Printed in EU. Remaster 98. 11 titres. Logo Bel Biem. Sticker Dance of death on cover. IFPI L042. Matrix: 112 NL. CDTNBFRA2

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast


    TNOTB, Europe, 2008*. EMI 7243 4 96918 0 3. Code barre: 724349691803. 496 91803. PM 520. Made in EU. Printed in EU. Remaster 98. 11 titres. Logo Bel Biem. Quatrième tirage Europe. IFPI LV04. Matrix: IMS Group. CDTNBEU3

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Europe, 2011*. EMI 7243 4 96918 0 3. Code barre: 724349691803. 496 91803. PM 520. Made in EU. Printed in EU. Remaster 98. 11 titres. Logo Bel Biem. Cinquième tirage Europe. IFPI 9900. Matrix: Optimal media production. CDTNBEU4

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Europe, 2013*. EMI 724349691803. Code barre: 7243 4 96918 0 3. 496 91803. PM 520. Made in EU. Printed in EU. Remaster 98. 11 titres. Logo Bel Biem. Sixième tirage Europe. IFPI 9742. Matrix: Optimal media GmbH. CDTNBEU5

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Europe, 2014. Warner Parlophone 724349691803. Code barre: 7243 4 96918 0 3. 496 91803. PM 520. Made in EU. Printed in EU. Remaster 98. 11 titres. Logo Bel Biem. Septième tirage Europe. IFPI 9702. Matrix: Optimal media GmbH. CDTNBEU6

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Europe, 2015*. EMI Warner Parlophone 724349691803. Code barre: 7243 4 96918 0 3.  Gold Collection. Fake. Contient un CD Warner Parlophone et non pas un CD EMI. Plus de détail sur le CD de Piece of mind. CDTNBEU7

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Europe, 2018. Warner Parlophone 0190295567736. Code barre: 0 190295 567736. Made in EU. Remaster 2015. Logo GEMA MCPS. boite. Figurine. Patch. CD digipack. Livret. IFPI L576. Matrix: Optimal media GmbH. CDTNBEU8

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Europe, 2018. Warner Parlophone 0190295567743. Code barre: 0 190295 567743. Made in EU. Remaster 2015. Digipack. Logo GEMA MCPS. IFPI L576. Matrix: Optimal media GmbH. CDTNBEU9

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Europe, 2022. Warner Parlophone 0190295567743. Code barre: 0 190295 567743. Made in EU. Remaster 2015. Digipack. 40th anniversary sticker. Logo GEMA MCPS. IFPI L576. Matrix: Optimal media GmbH. CDTNBEU10

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Hollande, 1986*. EMI CDP 7 46364 2. 077774636421. PM 516. Made in Holland. Logo Biem Stemra. Matrix: 3-1-10 NL. CDTNBHOL1

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Hollande, 1993*. EMI CDP 7 46364 2. 077774636421. CDEMS 1533. PM 516. Made in Holland. Printed in Holland. Logo Biem Stemra. Matrix: 2-3-3 NL. CDTNBHOL2

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Hollande, 1994*. EMI CDP 7 46364 2. 82774636421. CDEMS 1533. PM 516. Made in Holland. Printed in Holland. Logo Biem Stemra. IFPI 1564. Matrix: 3-3-14 NL. CDTNBHOL3

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Hollande, 1993*. EMI CDP 0777 7 46364 21. 077774636421. CDEMS 1533. PM 516. Made in Holland. Printed in Holland. Logo Biem Stemra. Matrix: 3-2-1 NL. CDTNBHOL4

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Hollande, 1994*. EMI CDP 7 46364 2. 077774636421. CDEMS 1533. Made in Holland. Printed in Holland. Logo Biem Stemra. IFPI 1504. Matrix: 3-2-8 NL. CDTNBHOL5

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Hollande, 1995. EMI CDP 7243 8 35870 2 5. 724383587025. CDEM 1572. PM 516. Made in Holland. Printed in Holland. CD 1: 9 titres.    CD 2: 2 titres. IFPI 1549. Matrix: 1-1-3 NL. CDTNBHOL6

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Italie, 1994*. EMI 7 46364 2. 077774636421. CDEMS 1533. I 064. PM 516. Made in Italy. Printed in Italy. Logo Biem SIAE. IFPI 2503. Matrix: EMI Swindon. CDTNBITA1

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Italie, 1994*. EMI 7 46364 2. 077774636421. CDEMS 1533. I 064. PM 516. Made in Italy. Printed in Italy. Logo Biem SIAE. IFPI 2511. Matrix: EMI Italy. CDTNBITA2

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Italie, 1994*. EMI CDP 7 46364 2. 077774636421. I 084. PM 516. Made in Italy. Logo SIAE. Matrix: EMI Swindon. CDTNBITA3

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Italie, 2008*. EMI  7243 4 96918 0 3. Code barre 724349691803. UK 496 9180. PM 520. Made in EU. Printed in EU. Logo Bel Biem SIAE. IFPI LV03. Matrix: IMS Manufacturing. CDTNBITA4

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Italie, 2008. EMI IM 08 03. Made in Italy. Contenu dans la boite "The complete album collection". Matrix: DECIBEL MX 12396 IRON CD949101.  CDCACITA1

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Italie, 2014. Parlophone Warner music Mondadori 14SC0038. Contenu dans la Boite 20 CD/DVD "The beast collection". Made in Italy. Logo SIAE. Matrix: MX 30696IRON CD0994T301. CDTBCITA1

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Japon, 1987. EMI Toshiba CP 32 5108. EMS 91034. Made in Japan. Obi rouge. Insert en noir et blanc. 3200 yens. Date de sortie: 28/10/1987. Logo Jasrac. Matrix: CP 325108. CDTNBJPN1

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Japon, 1989. EMI Toshiba CP 32 5108. EMS 91034. Made in Japan. Obi rouge. Insert en noir et blanc. 3800 yens. Logo Jasrac. Matrix: CP 325108. CDTNBJPN2

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Japon, 1993. EMI Toshiba TOCP 7602. Code barre: 4988006680487. Made in Japan. Obi blanche "Supermasters". 32300 yens. Insert en noir et blanc. Date de sortie: 24/02/1993. Date fin d'offre: 23/02/1995. Logo Jasrac. Matrix: TOCP 7602. CDTNBJPN3

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Japon, 1995. EMI Toshiba TOCP 3004. CDEMS 1533. Code barre 4988006707450. Made in Japan. Obi blanche "cool price". 1650 yens. Date de sortie: 29/11/1995. Fin d'offre prix réduit: 28/11/1997. Logo Jasrac. IFPI L151. Matrix: TOCP 3004. CDTNBJPN4

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Japon, 1998. EMI Toshiba TOCP 50693. Code barre 4988006757837. Made in Japan. Obi noire. 2548 yens. Insert en noir et blanc. Date de sortie: 14 septembre 1998. Date de mise en vente: 28 octobre 1998. Fin d'offre prix réduit: 27 octobre 2000. Logo Jasrac. Remaster 1998. 11 titres. IFPI L153. Matrix: TOCP 50693. CDTNBJPN5

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Russie, 2007. EMI Toshiba TOCP 66602. Code barre 4988006858022. Made in Japan. Obi noire. 2800 yens. Insert en noir et blanc. Poster. Fake russe. Logo Jasrac. Matrix: TOCP 66602. CDTNBJPN6

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Japon, 2008. EMI Music Japan TOCP 53758. Code barre 4988006846777. Made in Japan. Obi noire. 1500 yens. Insert en noir et blanc. Date de sortie: 14 septembre 1998. Date du retirage: 06 septembre 2006. Date de vente: 31 août 2008. Fin d'offre prix réduit: 30 novembre 2008. Logo Jasrac. Remaster 1998. 11 titres. IFPI 28B6. Matrix: TOCP 53758. CDTNBJPN7

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Japon, 2014. Warner Music Japan Parlophone WPCR 80014. Code barre 4943674163366. Made in Japan. Obi blanche "Forever young". 1400 yens. Insert en noir et blanc. Date de sortie: 29 janvier 2014. Date de fin d'offre: 13 avril 2014. Logo Jasrac. Remaster 1998. 11 titres. IFPI 28B4. Matrix: WPCR 80014. CDTNBJPN8

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Japon, 2018. Warner Japan Parlophone WPCR 18145. Code barre: 4943674291946. Box. Made in EU. Remaster 2015. Figurine. Patch. CD digipack. Livret couleur. Livret noir et blanc. La boite est un import Europe avec un livret Japonais et une obi rajoutés. Le CD est donc aussi un import Europe. Obi noire. 5400 yens. Date initiale de sortie de l'album: mars 1982. Date de mise en vente: 26 décembre 2018. IFPI L275. Matrix: WPCR 18143. CDTNBJPN9

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Japon, 2018. Warner Japan Parlophone WPCR 18143. Code barre: 4943674291922. Remaster 2015. Made in Japan. CD digipack. Livret couleur. Livret noir et blanc. Obi noire. 2000 yens. Date initiale de sortie de l'album: mars 1982. Date de mise en vente: 26 décembre 2018. Date de fin d'offre 25 juin 2019. IFPI L275. Matrix: WPCR 18143. CDTNBJPN10

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Russie, 19??. EMI. Fake. Matrix: TNB. CDTNRUS1

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Royaume-Uni, 1986*. EMI CDP 7 46364 2. 077774636421. Made in England. Logo Biem MCPS. Matrix: EMI Swindon. CDTNBUK1

     022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Royaume-Uni, 1986*. EMI CDP 7 46364 2. CD-FA 3178. 077774636421. Made in England. Logo Biem MCPS. Matrix: EMI Swindon. CDTNBUK2

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Royaume-Uni, 1986*. EMI CDP 7 46364 2. CD-FA 3178. 077774636421. Made in England. Sticker EMI. Logo Biem MCPS. Matrix: EMI Swindon. CDTNBUK3

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast


    TNOTB, Royaume-Uni, 1986*. EMI CDP 7 46364 2. CD-FA 3178. 077774636421. PM 516. Made in England. Logo Biem MCPS. Matrix: EMI Swindon. CDTNBUK4

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Royaume-Uni, 1994*. EMI 0777 74636421. CDEMS 1533. 077774636421. Made in England. Printed in UK. Logo Biem MCPS. IFPI 1404. Matrix: EMI Swindon. CDTNBUK5

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Royaume-Uni, 1994*. EMI 0777 746364 2 1. CDEMS 1533. 077774636421. PM 516. Made in England. Printed in UK. Logo Biem MCPS. IFPI 1453. Matrix: 02-03. CDTNBUK6

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Royaume-Uni, 1998*. Castel Raw power Raw CD 129. 602923012926. Made in England. Remaster 1998. 11 titres. IFPI 0432. Matrix: PMDC. CDTNBUK7

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Royaume-Uni, 1998*. Castel Raw power Raw CD 129. 602923012926. Made in England. CD différent (misspress ?). Remaster 1998. 11 titres. IFPI 0435. Matrix: PMDC. CDTNBUK8

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Ukraine, 2006*. EMI Comp Music 4969180. 724349691803. PM 520. Made in Ukraine. Remaster 1998. 11 titres. IFPI LU003. Matrix: 4969180. CDTNBUKR1

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Etats-Unis, 1986*. EMI Capitol BMG D101496. CDP 7463642. DIDX 1245. Made in USA. Indianapolis edition. Matrix:101496D. CDTNBUSA1

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Etats-Unis, 1986*. EMI Capitol Columbia CDP 546364. CDP 7463642. Code barre: 0208314105271. DIDX 1245. Made in USA. Columbia house edition. Matrix: CDP 546364. CDTNBUSA2

     022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Etats-Unis, 1995. Castle records 104 2. Code barre: 6 00234 01042 6. Insert. Obi (absente). Made in USA. IFPI L791. Matrix: DISTRONICS CASTLE 104 1. CDTNBUSA3

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Etats-Unis, 1998. Castle BMG Raw power CD 129. D 138481. Printed in USA. CD Made in England. Indianapolis edition. Remaster 1998. 11 titres. IFPI LB48. Matrix: D138481. CDTNBUSA4

     022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Etats-Unis, 2002*. Columbia Sanctuary Metal is Records CK 86046. Vinyl replica. Insert Rock in Rio. Remaster 1998. 11 titres. Matrix: CPDP107461. CDTNBUSA5

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Etats-Unis, 2002*. Columbia Sanctuary Metal is Records CK 86210. 606998621022. Couverture carton. Insert Rock in Rio. Remaster 1998. 11 titres. Matrix: CPDP107451. CDTNBUSA6


    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Etats-Unis, 2018. BMG Sanctuary 538426982. Code barre 4050538426984. Boite. Remaster 2015. Figurine. Patch. Digipack. IFPI LN09. Matrix: 3302886. CDTNBUSA7

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    TNOTB, Etats-Unis, 2018. BMG Sanctuary 538426962. Code barre 4050538426960. Remaster 2015. Digipack. IFPI LN09. Matrix: 3302886. CDTNBUSA8

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast

    022 The number of the beast