• 056 Fear of the dark

    Mis à jour le 22 janvier 2023

    Cette page se veut un catalogue le plus exhaustif possible des cassettes audio et CD officiels du groupe.

    Elle se présente sous la forme de scans et de textes descriptifs, par ordre chronologique des sorties et par pays.

    Je posterai régulièrement de nouvelles images en fonction de mes achats, lesquelles seront insérées entre deux selon le cas.

    Dans le texte j'indiquerais des particularités: couleur de la cassette, insert, forme des caches roues, etc. De même l'année d'édition sera indiquée en fonction de mes recherches et d'un taux de réalité. Ces indices figureront comme ci-après:

    B: cassette blanche

    N: cassette noire

    T: cassette transparente

    C: cassette crème

    G: cassette grise

    CRR: cache roue rond

    CRC: cache roue carré

    FP: fenêtre plate

    FEC: fenêtre en creux

    FER: fenêtre en relief

    G100: graduation de 0 à 100

    G0: graduation sans chiffre

    INC: insert noir complet

    INB: insert noir biseauté

    INP: insert noir partiel

    IN8: insert en forme de huit

    V: vis

    XDR J: logo XDR ou SDR sur la jaquette

    XDR C: logo XDR ou SDR sur la cassette

    1980: année d'édition certaine

    1980*: année d'édition non confirmée, estimée à deux ans près

    1980**: année d'édition non connue, seulement estimée en fonction d'indices

    198?: année d'édition inconnue

    This page talk about Iron Maiden official audio tape and CD. It show pictures and text, on chronological order and by counrtries. I post regularly more pictures, after buying and received new tapes and CD. Inside text you can find some particularities, like color, insert size or hide reals forms. I write edit year with three options. See down:

    B: white tape

    N: black tape

    T: clear tape

    C: cream tape

    G: grey tape

    CRR: hide reels

    CRC: square hide reals

    FP: flat window

    FEC: low window

    FER: relief window

    G100: 0 to 100 graduation

    G0: graduation without figure

    INC: black complete insert

    INB: black cut insert

    INP: black no complete insert

    IN8: eight form insert

    V: screw

    XDR J: XDR or SDR logo on cover

    XDR C: XDR or SDR logo on tape

    1980: certain edit year

    1980*: non confirm edit year. Two years estimate before or after real year

    1980**: unknow edit year. Estimate with some indications

    198?: unknow edit year

    Il y a une corrélation entre cette page et ma page argus. Chaque cassette et CD porte un nom identifiant unique que vous retrouverez en fin de ligne sur la page argus.

    Toutes les cassettes et CD figurant sur cette page proviennent de ma collection personnelle. Aucune photo extérieure. S'il manque des éléments, cela sera précisé. J'ai parlé en préambule de cassette et CD officielle, mais je ne m'interdis pas de poster en plus des cassettes ou CD intéressants ou exotiques.

    Each tape and CD got a personnal identification name, than you can find too on my argus page.

    All these cassettes or CD appearing on this page come from my personnal collection. No outside picture. If elements are missing, it will be specified. I spoke in introduction of official cassette and CD, but I do not refrain to post interesting or exotic tapes or CD.

    Fear of the dark, Argentine, 1992. EMI Odeon 7 99161 4. Industria Argentina. Logos SADAIC BIEM AADI CAPIF. Texte marron. B/CRR/FEC/G0/V. FODARG1

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    Fear of the dark, Australie, 1992. EMI Australasia TC 799161 4. 077779916146. T/CRR/FEC/INC. FODAUS1

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    Fear of the dark, Canada, 1992. EMI Capitol C4 99161. 077779916146. Made in Canada. N/CRR/FEC/G100/XDRJ/XDRC. FODCAN1

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    Fear of the dark, Emirats Arabes Unis, 199?. Thomsun original. EN 4643. Missprint dans deux titres. Manque Wasting love. T/CRR/FP/G0/V. FODEAU1

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    Fear of the dark, Grèce, 1992. EMI Fabelsound 7991614. 077779916146. TC EMD 1032. Made in Greece by Fabelsound. B/CRC/FEC/G0. FODGRC1

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    Fear of the dark, France, 1992. EMI 7991614. 077779916146. TC EMD 1032. PM 440. Made in France. Manufactured in France. Logo Biem Sacem. T/CRC/FP/INB. FODFRA1

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    Fear of the dark, Hollande, 1992. EMI 799161. 077779916146. TC EMD 1032. PM 440. Made in Holland. Logo Biem Stemra. T/CRC/FP/INB. FODHOL1

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    Fear of the dark, Hollande, 1992. EMI 799161. 077779916146. TC EMD 1032. PM 440. Made in Holland. Logo Biem Stemra. T/CRR/FP/INC. FODHOL2

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    Fear of the dark, Indonésie, 1992*. EMI Aquarius Musikindo TC EMD 1032. E 0187-2. Code barre: 077779916146. T/CRR/FP/IN8/V. FODIDN1

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    Fear of the dark, Italie, 1992. EMI Italiana SpA. 68 799161. 077779916146. Made in Italy. Logo SIAE. T/CRR/FP/INC/XDRJ/XDRC. FODITA1

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    Fear of the dark, Corée du sud, 1992. EMI Kemongsa EPKC 0230. TC EMD 1032. Manufactured by Jeil records. Label blanc. Couverture carton. B/CRC/FEC/G0/V. FODKOR1

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    Fear of the dark, Malaisie, 1992. EMI 799161. 077779916146. TC EMD 1032. Printed by Digitpress. T/CRR/FP/IN8/V. FODMAL1

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    Fear of the dark, Mexique, 1992. EMI 419 799161. 077779916146. EMI Capitol de Mexico SA. T/CRR/FP/INC/G0. FODMEX1

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    Fear of the dark, Philippines, 1992. EMI Dyna Virgin 799161-4. Logo PARI. Label bleu. Plastique clair. T/CRR/FP/V. FODPHL1

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    Fear of the dark, Philippines, 1992. EMI Dyna Virgin 799161-4. Logo PARI. Label bleu. Plastique foncé. T/CRR/FP/V. FODPHL2

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    Fear of the dark, Pologne, 1992. Takt 1796. Logo Biem Zaks. Gana studio. T/CRR/FP/IN8/G0/V. FODPOL1

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    Fear of the dark, Portugal, 1992. EMI Valentim de Carvalho 799161 4. 077779916146. Double jaquette. Dépôt légal 46951. T/CRR/FP/INB/G0. FODPOR1

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    Fear of the dark, Espagne, 1992. EMI Odeon 270 7991614. 077779916146. Made in Spain. Dépôt légal M14248-1992 Madrid. Logo SGAE. Texte noir. C/CRR/FP/G100. FODSPA1

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    Fear of the dark, Thailande, 1992. EMI 799161. 07777991614. TC EMD 1032. T/CRR/FP/IN8/V. FODTHA1

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    Fear of the dark, Turquie, 1992. EMI Kent TCP 2562. 92 34. 10174. Plastique vert. Texte rouge. T/CRR/FP/G0. FODTUR1

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    Fear of the dark, Taiwan, 1992. EMI Taiwan EM 0212. TC EMD 1032. Insert. N/CRR/FEC/V. FODTWN1

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    Fear of the dark, Royaume-Uni, 1992. EMI 7991614. 077779916146. TC EMD 1032. PM 440. Made in UK. Manufactured in England. T/CRC/FP/INB. FODUK1

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    Fear of the dark, Royaume-Uni, 1992. EMI TC EMD 1032. 7991614. 077779916146. Manufactured in England. T/CRC/FP/INB. FODUK2

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    Fear of the dark, Urugay, 1992. EMI Gioscia 501813-4. Made in Uruguay. Label saumon. B/CRR/FP/G100/V. FODURU1

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    Fear of the dark, Etats-Unis, 1992. Sony Epic ET 48993. 07464489934. T/CRR/FP/INB/G100. FODUSA1

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    Fear of the dark, Etats-Unis, 1995. Castle records 111-4. 600234011140. 19 titres. Insert. T/CRR/FP/INC. FODUSA2

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    Fear of the dark, Argentine, 2022. Warner Parlophone Plaza. Code barre: 190295852344. Industria Argentina. Livre. Collection 2021-2022 en Argentine. Matrice: 328402A. LPFODARG1

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    Fear of the dark, Europe, 1992. EMI 7 99161 1. EMD 1302. Code barre: 0077779916115. Made in EEC. Logo Biem Gema. Matrice: 7 99161 1. LPFODEU1


    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    Fear of the dark, Europe, 2017. Warner Parlophone. 0190295852344. Matrice: ?. LPFODEU2

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    Fear of the dark, Corée du sud, 1992. EMI KEmongsa EKPL 0230-231. EMD 1302. Insert.  Matrice: EKPL 0230 A. LPFODKOR1

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark


    Fear of the dark, Royaume-Uni, 1992. EMI EMD 1032. 7 99161 1. Code barre: 0077779916115. Manufactured in England. Printed in England. Matrice: EMD 10321 A 01 1. LPFODUK1

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    Fear of the dark, Royaume-Uni, 1998. EMI PLP 9 6925 09. Code barre: 9 024349 692501. Fake. Matrice: PLP 9 6925 09 A. LPFODUK2

    056 Fear of the dark

    Fear of the dark, Etats-Unis, 2017. BMG Sanctuary 538276291. Code barre:  4050538278299. Matrice: ?. LPFODUAS1

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    Fear of the dark, Canada, 1992. EMI Capitol C2 99161. Code barre: 077779916122. Made in Canada. Printed in Canada. Matrix: Disque Americ. CDFODCAN1

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    Fear of the dark, Canada, 2003. EMI Music Canada 7243 4 96925 0 3. Code barre: 724349692503. Made in Canada. Printed in Canada. Couverture Gendarmerie Royale Canadienne RMCP. Remaster 98. 14 titres. IFPI L044. Matrix: EMI MFG. CDFODCAN2

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    Fear of the dark, Europe, 1998. EMI 7243 4 96925 0 3. Code barre: 724349692503. UK 496 9250. FR PM 520. Made in EU. Printed in EU. Remaster 98. 14 titres. Logo Bel Biem. 1er tirage Europe (contenu dans la Eddie head). IFPI L042. Matrix: EMI Swindon. CDFODEU1

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    Fear of the dark, Europe, 2008*. EMI 7243 4 96925 0 3. Code barre: 724349692503. UK 496 9250. FR PM 520. Made in EU. Printed in EU. Remaster 98. 14 titres. Logo Bel Biem. 4ème tirage Europe. IFPI LV03. Matrix: IMS Group. CDFODEU2

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    Fear of the dark, Europe, 2013*. EMI 7243 4 96925 0 3. Code barre: 724349692503. UK 496 9250. FR PM 520. Made in EU. Printed in EU. Remaster 98. 14 titres. Logo Bel Biem. 6ème tirage Europe. IFPI 9723. Matrix: Optimal media GmbH. CDFODEU3

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    Fear of the dark, Europe, 2015. Warner Parlophone 7243 4 96925 0 3. Code barre: 724349692503. UK 496 9250. FR PM 520. Made in EU. Printed in EU. Remaster 98. 14 titres. Logo Bel Biem. 7ème tirage Europe. IFPI L574. Matrix: Optimal media GmbH. CDFODEU4

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    Fear of the dark, Europe, 2019. Warner Parlophone 0190295567668. Code barre: 0 190295567668. Made in EU. Digipack. Remaster 2015. Logo Sdrm Biem. IFPI L576. Matrix: Optimal media GmbH. CDFODEU5

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    Fear of the dark, Europe, 2019. Warner Parlophone 0190295567644. Code barre: 0 190295567644. Made in EU. Boite. Digipack. Patch. Figurine. Remaster 2015. Logo Sdrm Biem. Matrix: Optimal media GmbH. CDFODEU6

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    Fear of the dark, France, 2005. EMI 7243 4 96925 0 3. Code barre: 724349692503. UK 496 9250. FR PM 520. Made in EU. Printed in EU. Remaster 98. 14 titres. Logo Bel Biem. CD mis en vente en 2005 pour un tirage spécial France avant le concert de Paris avec un sticker collector. IFPI L041. Matrix: 010110NL. CDFODFRA1

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    Fear of the dark, Hollande, 1992. EMI CDP 7991612. Code barre: 077779916122. CD EMD 1032. PM 520. Made in Holland. Sleeve printed in England. Manufactured in England. LC 0542 sous code barre petit. Logo Biem Stemra. Matrix: 2-1-4 NL. CDFODHOL1

    Nota: La mention "Manufactured in England" et le fait que la jaquette soit imprimée en Angleterre n'est pas une erreur due à une éventuelle inversion CD/boitier. Ce binôme CD fabriqué en Hollande et Jaquette fait en Angleterre a été constaté sur plusieurs exemplaires.

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    Fear of the dark, Hollande, 1992. EMI CDP 7991612. Code barre: 077779916122. CD EMD 1032. PM 520. Made in Holland. LC 0542 sous code barre gros. Logo Biem Stemra. Matrix: 2-3-10 NL. CDFODHOL2

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    Fear of the dark, Hollande, 1995. EMI 7243 8 35877 2 8. Code barre: 724383587728. CDEM 1579. PM 516. CD Made in UK. Printed in Holland. CD 1: 12 titres. CD 2: 7 titres. IFPI L046. Matrix: EMI Uden. CDFODHOL3

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    Fear of the dark, Italie, 1994*. EMI CDP 7991612. Code barre: 077779916122. CD EMD 1032. PM 520. I 068.  Made in Italy. Printed in Italy. Logo SIAE. Matrix: CDP 7991612. CDFODITA1

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    Fear of the dark, Italie, 2008. EMI IM 08 09. Made in Italy. Contenu dans la boite "The complete album collection". Matrix: DECIBEL MX 12396 IRON CD949101.  CDCACITA1

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    Fear of the dark, Italie, 2014. Parlophone Warner music Mondadori 14SC0044. Contenu dans la Boite 20 CD/DVD "The beast collection". Made in Italy. Logo SIAE. Matrix: MX 30696IRON CD0994T301. CDTBCITA1

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    Fear of the dark, Japon, 1992. EMI Toshiba TOCP 7155. Code barre: 498806670754. CD EMD 1032. Made in Japan. Obi noire "Hard attack 92". 3000 yens. Couverture carton. Livret. Insert en noir et blanc. Stickers. Insert bleu EMI. Date de mise en vente: 20 mai 1992. Logo Jasrac. Matrix: TOCP 7155. CDFODJPN1

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    Fear of the dark, Japon, 1995. EMI Toshiba TOCP 3173. Code barre: 4988006713512. Made in Japan. Obi blanche "Cool price". 1750 yens. Insert en noir et blanc. Date de mise en vente: 29 novembre 1995. Fin d'offre prix réduit: 28 novembre 1997. Logo Jasrac. IFPI L152. Matrix: TOCP 3173. CDFODJPN2

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    Fear of the dark, Japon, 1998. EMI Toshiba TOCP 50701. Code barre: 498806757905. Made in Japan. Obi noire "remasters 98".  2548 yens. Insert en noir et blanc. Date de sortie: 14 septembre 98. Date de mise en vente: 28 octobre 1998. Date de fin d'offre: 27 octobre 2000. Logo Jasrac. IFPI L153. Matrix: TOCP 50701. CDFODJPN3

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    Fear of the dark, Japon, 2006. EMI Toshiba TOCP 53765. Code barre: 498806846845. Made in Japan. Obi noire.  1500 yens. Insert en noir et blanc. Date de sortie du remaster: 14 septembre 98. Date de mise en vente: 06 septembre 2006. Date de fin d'offre: décembre 2006. Logo Jasrac. IFPI 28S3. Matrix: TOCP 53765. CDFODJPN4

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    Fear of the dark, Japon, 2014. Warner Music Japan Parlophone WPCR 80022. Code barre: 4943674163434. Made in Japan. Obi blanche "Forever young". 1400 yens. Insert en noir et blanc. Date album: 1992. date remaster: septembre 1998. Date de mise en vente: 29 janvier 2014. Date fin offre: 13 avril 2014. Logo Jasrac. IFPI LT46. Matrix: WPCR 80022. CDFODJPN5

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    Fear of the dark, Japon, 2019. Warner Music Japan Parlophone WPCR 18214. Code barre: 4943674297863. Made in Japan. Obi noire. 2000 yens. livret en noir et blanc. digipack. Date album: 1992. date remaster: 2015. Date de mise en vente: 07 août 2019. Date de fin d'offre: 06 février 2020. IFPI L275. Matrix: WPCR 18124. CDFODJPN6

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    Fear of the dark, Japon, 2019. Warner Music Japan Parlophone WPCR 18218. Code barre: 4943674297900. Made in Japan. Obi noire. 5400 yens. Insert en noir et blanc. Boite et CD import EU (figurine, patch et CD inclus). Date album: 1992. date remaster: 2015. Date de mise en vente: 07 août 2019. CDFODJPN7

     056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    Fear of the dark, Mexique, 1992. EMI Capitol de Mexico 219 799161 2. Code barre: 0 077779 91612 2. Hecho en Mexico. Matrix: Sonopress. CDFODMEX1

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    Fear of the dark, Russie, 2000. CD Maximum CDM 0700-472. Fake. 15 titres. IFPI LD01. Matrix: CDM 0700. CDFODRUS1

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    Fear of the dark, Royaume-Uni, 1992. EMI boite promo. CD + cassette audio + VHS + livret.  Numéroté. 1000 exemplaire. Boite luminescente. CDFODUK1

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    Fear of the dark, Royaume-Uni, 1992. EMI CDP 7991612. Code barre: 077779916122. CD EMD 1032. PM 520. Made in UK. Sleeve printed in UK. LC 0542 sous code barre petit. Insert merchandising. Logo Biem MCPS. Matrix: EMI Swindon. CDFODUK2

     056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    Fear of the dark, Royaume-Uni, 1992. EMI CDP 7991612. Code barre: 077779916122. CD EMD 1032. PM 520. Made in UK. Sleeve printed in UK. LC 0542 sous code barre petit. Logo Biem MCPS. Matrix: EMI Swindon. CDFODUK3

     056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    Fear of the dark, Europe, 1998*. Castle records Raw power RAW CD 136. Code barre: 602923013626. Made in England. Remaster 98. 14 titres.  IFPI L136. Matrix: PMDC. CDFODUK4

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    Fear of the dark, Etats-Unis, 1992. Sony Epic EK 48993. Code barre: 07464489932. Matrix: CMU P122. CDFODUSA1

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    Fear of the dark, Etats-Unis, 1995. Castle records 111-2. Code barre: 600234011126. Made in USA. IFPI L792. Matrix: Distronics. CDFODUSA2

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    Fear of the dark, Etats-Unis, 2002. Columbia Sanctuary Metal is records CK  86037. Code barre: 6969986037??. Mini LP. Inserts. IFPI L424. Matrix: CPDP 107469. CDFODUSA3

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    Fear of the dark, Etats-Unis, 2002. Columbia Sanctuary Metal is records CK  86217. Code barre: 696998612725. Couverture carton. Insert. IFPI L424. Matrix: CPDP 107469. CDFODUSA4

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    Fear of the dark, Etats-Unis, 2016. Columbia Sanctuary BMG CK  86217. Code barre: 696998612725. IFPI L779. Matrix: 608297. CDFODUSA5

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    Fear of the dark, Etats-Unis, 2019. BMG Sanctuary 538442232. Code barre:4050538442236. Digipack. Remaster 2015. Made in USA. IFPI LB45. Matrix: Arvato. CDFODUSA6

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    Fear of the dark, Etats-Unis, 2019. BMG Sanctuary 538442212. Code barre:4050538442212. Boite. Patch. Figurine. Digipack. Remaster 2015. Made in USA. Matrix: Arvato. CDFODUSA7

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark

    056 Fear of the dark